Reactify Transfer Guide

Guide for server owners that are using Reactify bot which is an old bot that has been discontinued with reaction role and role management features being imported into Atom Community bot.

Atom Community and Reactify have both been discontinued but will still be running for servers that currently have it installed.

Do not invite this bot unless you are a server owner/admin using Reactify!

  1. Login to the website dashboard

  2. Click Check Data and view the list of reaction roles to import.

  3. Click Start Transfer and wait for the success screen.

  4. In your Discord server use a/rrole check to check for any role/channel permission issues.

  5. Kick Reactify bot from your Discord server.

  6. Complete the transfer with a/rrole transfer confirm

To convert Reactify embeds to Atom Community embeds do these steps.

  1. Use a/rrole resend MessageLink Example: a/rrole resend

  2. Wait for the command to complete.

  3. Do this for any other Reactify embed messages that you have.

Last updated