

A list of colored type names to understand the library better :)

string Simple text string with Ids or content.

bool Simple boolean value of True or False

int or ulong or BigIntiger Simple number value

enum A specific type name from a list of types.

object A object/class that contains different properties or can be casted.

object? A object/class that may be null in certain conditions.

object[ ] A list or array of objects that can be used in foreach of where to filter.

void( ) or async( ) function or await task that can be triggered to run with optional return type.


string Token

string Version

ClientConfig Config

RevoltRestClient Rest

async StartAsync( )

async StopAsync( )

SelfUser? CurrentUser

Server[ ] Servers

User[ ] Users

User? GetUser( string id )

Channel? GetChannel( string id )

GroupChannel? GetGroupChannel( string id )

DMChannel? GetDMChannel( string id )

TextChannel? GetTextChannel( string id )

VoiceChannel? GetVoiceChannel( string id )

Server? GetServer( string id )

Role? GetRole( string id )

Emoji? GetEmoji( string id )


string UserAgent

ClientDebugConfig Debug

bool UserBot

bool RestThrowException

string[ ] Owners


bool EnableConsoleQuickEdit

string UploadUrl

string WebsocketUrl

bool LogWebSocketFull

bool LogWebSocketReady

bool LogWebSocketError

bool LogWebSocketUnknownEvent

bool LogRestRequest

bool CheckRestRequest

bool LogRestRequestJson

bool LogRestResponseJson

Last updated