Infinite Loading?
Try these steps below to fix MultiRPC
Last updated
Try these steps below to fix MultiRPC
Last updated
If the rpc status is not loading try these fixes.
Go to Discord settings > Activity Privacy and check if you have enabled status enabled.
Restart the application by closing the app and launching the app again from windows start menu or search.
Restart Discord by going to the taskbar and quit the app, then relaunch Discord and try start RPC again.
Launch MultiRPC with administrator privilleges, this may fix it sometimes because the Discord updater launches Discord with restricted privilleges and needs to connect with your local client. Open the MultiRPC settings. Click on Admin Mode and accept the popup to confirm. Accept the windows admin prompt to launch MultiRPC. Wait for MultiRPC to restart itself with administrator. Start your RPC again to see if it fixes it.
If none of the steps above work then you will need to either wait or restart your computer to fix this issue, sometimes Discord not like to play nice.