⚠️Error Codes

Specific error codes that are shown in the error message response.

These should not be added to API libraries and it's for developers to help debug their code for issues.

These will be cleaned up at a later date!

[G] General Errors

RL-1: Ratelimit exceeded You have hit the request limit for your API token, please do not spam requests and try again later.

G-1: Authorization header is missing You need to use the API with an API key and Authorization header. Find your API token or purchase access on our website https://fluxpoint.dev/api you will need to login with your Discord account.

G-2: Auth token is invalid Your API token is not correct please make sure that it starts with FP- and that you got it from https://fluxpoint.dev/api

G-3: Token disabled Your access to the API has been blocked, you will need to contact us on our Discord server https://discord.gg/fluxpoint for more info and to get unblocked.

G-4: This endpoint is restricted and can't be used This feature/endpoint can only be used by the developer.

G-5: You need to use the correct API host You need to use the gallery API (gallery.fluxpoint.dev/api/) to request images and not the main API.

G-6: You need to use https:// requests, cloudflare redirect strips request body Your request has been automatically redirected from http to https, you need to use the API with https:// requests otherwise some endpoint won't work.

G-7: This endpoint does not exists You need to use the correct API endpoints, some may require you to use the main or gallery API. https://docs.fluxpoint.dev/api/endpoints/test

G-8: Bri'ish people like this http status code ;) have fun finding it Very funny status code, you will get an achievement for finding this by checking the API /me endpoint.

[I] Internal Errors

If you have any major issues with the API please contact us on our Discord https://discord.gg/fluxpoint

I-1: Major API error occured Your request failed because the API has some issues or failed to complete your request which will need fixing by the API developer. Report this on our Discord server.

I-2: Minecraft server query broken failed to parse query response The API failed to make a minecraft server request due to API issues, make sure you use the correct IP/domain or report this on our Discord server.

I-3: Color info failed to get RGB info The API could not get color information for the color name/value you provided, make sure to use the right query parameter of name/hex/rgb and format.

I-4: Failed to generate image Image generation has failed due to an issue with the API or the specific format of your json body. Report this issue on our Discord server.

[MC] Minecraft Errors

MC-1: Host query is missing MC-2: Host query is invalid MC-3: Localhost is not allowed :p MC-4: Port query is invalid MC-5: Port query is not allowed :p

[CV] Convert Errors

CV-1: Request body does not have html content CV-2: Request body does not have markdown content CV-3: Max content length is 10,000 CV-4: Javascript html tag is blocked CV-5: Iframe html tag is blocked

[CI] Color Info Errors

CI-1: You need to specify a color query of hex/rgb/name CI-2: Hex query is invalid CI-3: Failed to get hex color (Possible api error) CI-4: Failed to get color name (Possible api error) CI-5: RGB query format is invalid CI-6: RGB query is invalid and not valid numbers CI-7: RGB query is invalid and number are not 0-255

[IG] Image Gen Errors

IG-1: Request body does not have json content IG-2: ( Invalid image format type ) IG-3: Image query is missing IG-4: Invalid image template name IG-5: Image template has been disabled due to issues IG-6: Image template is restricted and can't be used IG-7: Failed to parse request json make sure it has key/value pairs IG-8: Request json has invalid parameters

[CG] Custom Image Gen Errors

CG-1: Request body does not have json content CG-2: Request body is not json or does not start and end with { } CG-3: ( Invalid image format type ) CG-4: Failed to parse request json make sure it has a valid format CG-5: Request json base format is missing or invalid. CG-6: Request json has invalid parameters

Last updated