
Use our JavaScript API library to use the Fluxpoint API with easy to use features and functions for your own bots/projects.


This library was made by JDev and is available on NPM and GitHub.


Install the package in your project using node package manager or github.

NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/fluxpoint-js GitHub: https://github.com/FluxpointDev/fluxpoint-js


Here is an example on how to use the library.

const { FluxpointClient } = require("fluxpoint-js");
const client = new FluxpointClient({
  token: "token",

// You can use the library functions or make a custom endpoint request

const main = async () => {
  await client.request.req({
    // IMG (gallery.fluxpoint.dev) | API (api.fluxpoint.dev)
    type: "API",
    method: "GET",
    endpoint: "/me",
    // optional if data is needed
    data: null

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