Custom Image
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Last updated
It's recommended to use a desktop http client to test out image gen features such as Insomnia Client.
Generate a custom image with json body format.
This will send you raw image data (bytes)
"success": false,
"code": 400,
"message": "Failed to parse request json. ( IG-7 )"
Request json body
"Base": {
"type": "bitmap",
"width": 2000,
"height": 2000,
"color": "#7289da"
"Images": [
"type": "url",
"url": "",
"width": 1000,
"height": 1000
"type": "bitmap",
"round": 160,
"x": 20,
"y": 240,
"width": 1220,
"height": 360,
"color": "0,0,0,80"
"Texts": [
"text": "Hello",
"size": 120,
"x": 600,
"y": 1060
If you are using botghost with this API then you can use the tips below to help.
Create a body key named canvas
then enter the json format above as the value.
These are set in place to prevent potential abuse and resource usage.
Max json body size is 10mb Max images is 50 (Max 10 url types) Max texts is 50
The base can be either a Square (bitmap) or Image url.
"Images": [
"url": "",
"width": 540,
"height": 540,
"cache": true
type: bitmap
Use either Width & Height or Size to set both.
width: 0
height: 0
size: 0
color: white
- Set the shape color using name, hex, rgb or rgba for transparency.
round: 0
x: 0
- Position of the element on the X axis horizontally.
y: 0
- Position of the element on the Y axis vertically.
skip: false
- Skip parsing this element to dynamically hide it.
Starting 2024 do not use Discord attachments as permanent image urls due to restrictions. You will need to store images on your own server or via another service like Imgur.
cache: false
- Cache the image server-side so it can be easily loaded again such as background images. (Not Recommended for Avatars or dynamic images)
round: 0
x: 0
- Position of the element on the X axis horizontally.
y: 0
- Position of the element on the Y axis vertically.
skip: false
- Skip parsing this element to dynamically hide it.
color: white
- Set the background color using name, hex, rgb or rgba for transparency.
^ You can also set this to auto and it will use the primary color of the image for transparent images like avatars.
Use either Width & Height or Size to set both.
width: 0
height: 0
size: 0
maxWidth: 0
- Set the max width the image can scale to if large.
maxHeight: 0
- Set the max height the image can scale to if large.
type: svg
path: M338.752
- The svg path to use to define the shape.
Use either Width & Height or Size to set both.
width: 0
height: 0
size: 0
color: white
- Set the svg color using name, hex, rgb or rgba for transparency.
x: 0
- Position of the element on the X axis horizontally.
y: 0
- Position of the element on the Y axis vertically.
rotate: 0
- Rotation of the icon in degrees.
skip: false
- Skip parsing this element to dynamically hide it.
type: icon
icon: mdi:account
- Type of icon to use from
size: 128
- Size of the icon both width and height.
color: white
- Set the icon color using name, hex, rgb or rgba for transparency.
x: 0
- Position of the element on the X axis horizontally.
y: 0
- Position of the element on the Y axis vertically.
rotate: 0
- Rotation of the icon in degrees.
skip: false
- Skip parsing this element to dynamically hide it.
type: circle
radius: 20
- Size of the circle from the centre point.
color: white
- Set the shape color using name, hex, rgb or rgba for transparency.
x: 0
- Position of the element on the X axis horizontally.
y: 0
- Position of the element on the Y axis vertically.
skip: false
- Skip parsing this element to dynamically hide it.
type: triangle
cut: topleft/topright/bottomleft/bottomright
- Set the cut corner of the triangle.
Use either Width & Height or Size to set both.
width: 128
height: 128
size: 128
color: white
- Set the shape color using name, hex, rgb or rgba for transparency.
x: 0
- Position of the element on the X axis horizontally.
y: 0
- Position of the element on the Y axis vertically.
skip: false
- Skip parsing this element to dynamically hide it.
Set default options for the image gen.
"global": {
"textSize": 16
textSize: 16
- Default text size for all texts.
textColor: white
- Default text color for all texts.
textFont: Sans Serif
- Default text font for all texts.
textOutlineWidth: 0
- Default text outline width.
textOutlineColor: black
- Default text outline color.
textAlign: l/m/r
- Default text alignment.
textX: 0
- Default position on the X axis vertially.
Add these into the Texts list to generate them.
text: "Hello"
or texts: [ "Hello", "User" ]
- Set the text (Required)
"Texts": [
"text": "No api?",
"size": 45,
"x": 40,
"y": 20,
"width": 460,
"bold": true,
"align": "m",
"outlinecolor": "black",
"outlinewidth": 8,
"line": 1,
"weight": 500
size: 16
- Set the font size of the text.
font: Sans Serif
- Set the font to use for the text.
color: white
- Set the text color from name/hex/rgb/rgba use rgba for transparency.
back: transparent
- Set the background color for the text box from name/hex/rgb/rgba use rgba for transparency.
skip: false
- Skip parsing this element to dynamically hide it.
x: 0
- Position the text 20 pixels from the left.
x: 0
- Position the text 20 pixels from the top.
align: l/m/r
- Align the text from left/center/right
width: 0
- Set the max width of the text box before it wraps to a newline.
height: 0
- Set the max height of the text box to clip extra text.
bold: false
- Set the text to bold style. (Default false)
italics: false
- Set the text to italics style. (Default false)
underline: false
- Set the text to underline style. (Default false)
line: 1
- Set the line spacing for multiline text, used with a decimal point like 1.2
weight: 500
- Increase the boldness of the text.
outlinewidth: 0
- Set the outline size from the text.
outlinecolor: black
- Set the outline color from name/hex/rgb/rgba use rgba for transparency.
outlineblur: 1
- Make the outline transparency less visible for a cool effect.
unix: 0
- Set the unix timestamp to show as date/time.
snowflake: 0
- Set the Discord id to show as date/time.
format: dd/MM/yyyy
- Set the date/time format to show as text.